The Hunger Games takes place in an unidentified future time period after the destruction of North America in a nation known as Panem. Panem consists of a rich Capitol and thirteen surrounding, poorer districts. As punishment for a previous rebellion against the Capitol, in which the thirteenth district was destroyed, every year one boy and one girl from each district is forced to participate in "The Hunger Games", a televised event whereby the participants, or "tributes", must fight to the death in an outdoor arena until only one remains. The story follows 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, a girl from District 12 who volunteers for the Games in place of her younger sister, Primrose. Also participating from District 12 is Peeta Mellark, a boy whom Katniss knows from school and who once gave Katniss bread when her family was starving.
Katniss and Peeta are taken to the Capitol, where they meet the other tributes and are publicly displayed to the Capitol audience. During this time, Peeta reveals on-air his long-time unrequited love for Katniss. Katniss believes this to be a ploy to gain audience support for the Games, which can be crucial for survival, as audience members are permitted to send gifts to the tributes during the Games. The Games begin with 11 of the 24 tributes dying in the first hour, while Katniss relies on her well-practiced hunting and outdoors skills to survive. As the Games continue, the tribute death toll increases, but both Katniss and Peeta are able to evade death.
Supposedly due to Katniss and Peeta's beloved image to the audience as "star-crossed lovers", a rule change is announced midway through the Games, stating that two tributes from the same district can win the Hunger Games as a pair. Upon hearing this, Katniss searches for Peeta and finds him wounded. She nurses him back to health and acts the part of a young girl falling in love to gain more favor with the audience. The couple manages to outlast all the other tributes, and the Gamemakers try to force them into a dramatic finale where one must kill the other to win. Instead, they both threaten suicide and are subsequently both declared winners. After returning to the Capitol, Katniss learns her ploy to save both her and Peeta has greatly upset the Capitol because it made them look like fools and she must watch over her shoulder from now on. Her on screen romance with Peeta also comes to a crashing halt when the cameras are gone and Peeta is heartbroken to learn it was all an act for the audience, though Katniss is not so sure of that herself anymore.
source: Wikipedia
Very 'Battle Royale' meets 'Brave New World' - it was very thrilling but really made you think. I love Collins' writing and the sense of immediacy throughout the whole book. It made it more exciting and definitely kept me at the edge of my seat. The characters are very realistic and easily relatable. Katniss always seemed as if she was a real person to me.
The ending was really abrupt but it leaves so much more room and factors to cover in the next book (which I am assuming there will be). I loved it though and can't wait for the next installment.
I really recommend this book! It's great!”
Katniss and Peeta are taken to the Capitol, where they meet the other tributes and are publicly displayed to the Capitol audience. During this time, Peeta reveals on-air his long-time unrequited love for Katniss. Katniss believes this to be a ploy to gain audience support for the Games, which can be crucial for survival, as audience members are permitted to send gifts to the tributes during the Games. The Games begin with 11 of the 24 tributes dying in the first hour, while Katniss relies on her well-practiced hunting and outdoors skills to survive. As the Games continue, the tribute death toll increases, but both Katniss and Peeta are able to evade death.
Supposedly due to Katniss and Peeta's beloved image to the audience as "star-crossed lovers", a rule change is announced midway through the Games, stating that two tributes from the same district can win the Hunger Games as a pair. Upon hearing this, Katniss searches for Peeta and finds him wounded. She nurses him back to health and acts the part of a young girl falling in love to gain more favor with the audience. The couple manages to outlast all the other tributes, and the Gamemakers try to force them into a dramatic finale where one must kill the other to win. Instead, they both threaten suicide and are subsequently both declared winners. After returning to the Capitol, Katniss learns her ploy to save both her and Peeta has greatly upset the Capitol because it made them look like fools and she must watch over her shoulder from now on. Her on screen romance with Peeta also comes to a crashing halt when the cameras are gone and Peeta is heartbroken to learn it was all an act for the audience, though Katniss is not so sure of that herself anymore.
source: Wikipedia
Very 'Battle Royale' meets 'Brave New World' - it was very thrilling but really made you think. I love Collins' writing and the sense of immediacy throughout the whole book. It made it more exciting and definitely kept me at the edge of my seat. The characters are very realistic and easily relatable. Katniss always seemed as if she was a real person to me.
The ending was really abrupt but it leaves so much more room and factors to cover in the next book (which I am assuming there will be). I loved it though and can't wait for the next installment.
I really recommend this book! It's great!”
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